CMN Almanac

Today is Monday, May 20th, the 140th day of the year.  There are 225

days remaining until the end of the year.

HOLIDAYS and OBSERVANCES Date Your Mate Month,

David Patterson
David Patterson

Foster Care Month, National Barbecue Month, National Bike

Month, National Blood Pressure Month, National Photograph

Month, National Recommitment Month, Older Americans Month

National Salad Month, National Water Safety Month, National Bike

Week, Josephine Baker Day, Emancipation Day (Florida), World

Meteorology Day, Be a Millionaire Day, Armed Forces Day, Pick

Busta Rhymes
Busta Rhymes

Strawberries Day


David Patterson, 69, politician

Kevin Frazier, 59, sportcaster

Terrell Brandon, 54, basketball player

Busta Rhymes, 52, rapper

Naturi Naughton, 39, singer

Robert Kennedy
Robert Kennedy


Shorty Long, 84, singer/songwriter (d. 1969)


Rudy Lewis, 1964, singer (The Drifters) (b. 1936)

Malik Sealy, 2000, basketball player (b. 1970)


1868 – P.B.S. Pinchback and James J. Harris are the first Black

Cosby Show Cast
Cosby Show Cast

delegates to the Republican National Convention.

1942 – U.S. Navy 1st permitted black recruits to serve.

1958 – Robert N.C. Nix is elected to Congress from Pennsylvania.

1961 – White mob attacks “Freedom Riders” in Montgomery, Ala.,

U.S. Attorney General Robert Kennedy dispatches U.S. marshals

to restore order.

1964 – Buster Mathis defeats Joe Frazier to qualify for the U.S.

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan

Olympic team.

1971 – The Pentagon reports blacks constitute 11% of U.S. soldiers in

Southeast Asia.

1983 – First publications of the discovery of the HIV virus that causes

AIDS in the journal Science by Luc Montagnier.

1984 – The Cosby Show premiered on NBC.

1991 – Michael Jordan named NBA MVP.


Your sign’s paired element is Earth and of all the zodiac signs, only the Taurus has a fixed relationship with the element. Your special connection with Earth allows your personality to be a stable and firm as the ground you walk on. While others may call you stubborn, this quality is only a result of your earthly prudence. You find no comfort in having your heads in the clouds, instead you only work towards practical and realistic goals. Embracing your earthly influence will keep you on a path toward success and material gain.